Duty and Function of School of Economics and International Business


Duty of School of Economics and International Business

Prepare and submit the Rector Regulations on organization and operation, Internal expenditure regulations, Job placement scheme and Key performance indicator system (KPI);

Manage lecturers, other employees and students of the School as assigned by the Rector;

Suggest the Rector organizational and personnel structure in the School; planning, training, fostering, and using personnel in the School;

Prepare and submit annual operation and budget plan to the Rector for approval.

Function of School of Economics and International Business

The School of Economics and International Business is responsible for advising and assisting the Rector in managing, synthesizing, proposing ideas, conducting training activities in a number of undergraduate and graduate study sectors and fields as assigned by the University. Providing consultancy services, scientific research and knowledge transfer to meet the requirements of the society in the field of applied economics, international business, international trade, Logistics and some other fields as assigned by the University.