High Quality Program in International Business Economics


High Quality Program in International Business Economics taught in English in Foreign Trade University has taken place since 2007. From the very first year, the program has attracted a number of enrolments. The program was based on advanced program collaborated between Foreign Trade University and Colorado  State University (USA). Content of the program inherited excellence from current program designed by School of Economics and International Business, which makes FTU well-known from years ago. The program is considered as one of the highest education programs ever.

  1. Our partner

Students of High Quality Program have opportunity to continue studying in many Colleges and Universities in 3+1 or 2+2 program in the USA, Europe, Australia and Japan, which are partners of Foreign Trade University; for example:

  • Colorado State University (CSU)
  • Hull University (HUBS)
  • Bournemouth University (BU)
  1. Study environment

About lecturers: all lecturers taking charge of teaching High Quality Program have Ph.D or Master degrees from overseas. They are high qualified, have competence in English, which results from frequent training from Colorado University (in the USA) as well as from other universities in England, Australia, Japan, Finland, Swiss. Lecturers in School of Economics and International Business always take care of all the students, especially those who are in High Quality Program.

About curriculum: Students have many chances of cultivating their knowledge by joining in workshops, field trips, professional practice with experts all over the world in the field of external economics and international business.

  1. Degree

Students in this program will get FTU degree with major International Business Economics (taught in English)